•  Earn online by surfing websites

Believe it or not, you can actually earn some extra money online by just clicking and surfing websites. All you have to do here is to join some advertising networks which pay you to view and browse their advertisements.

They usually pay you one cent for viewing one advertisement for less than one minute, sounds easy right ? they also pay you if you refer other people to join their networks and you even earn more if your referred people kept browsing advertisements.

The thing is surfing websites is a slow way of earning money online, so probably you are not going to like it if you are looking for a fast and big income online, unless you are willing to invest some of your own money into these networks, they actually offer you a lot of upgrading packages which open the doors for you to increase your earnings from them. They also allow you to rent referrals to click for you, and you get credited for every click from those rented referrals.

There are a lot of these advertising networks around, but currently the best and most profitable ones are those listed below, so if you would like to register and give them a try by yourself, here are the links.

  • Site Search

    Custom Search
  • Income Links