•  Earn money by freelancing online

Freelancing online is considered to be one of the most lucrative ways to earn an income online, yet it is the hardest way as well. It requires you to have some online skills like writing, programming or designing websites.

Programming skills include the ability to code with different web languages especially HTML, CSS, PHP and Java, and also include the ability to manage and deal with forums, blogs and databases. While designing skills include the ability to design banners, themes and templates.

 Most of that kind of work needs a good experience with certain programs like Photoshop and Macromedia Flash, so if you know how to use any of them or you have any of the above skills, then you need to create a profile on freelancing networks like "vWorker" to let others know about you, or you can apply directly for an online job on "Donaza" network.

Business owners usually browse these networks looking for freelancers to build and design websites for them. Clients usually hire those with reasonable prices and good experience in the field as the freelancing networks publish your portfolio and test results on your profile.

Once a client picks you to do the online work, you will be in direct contact with each others to get things done, but the payment has to be made through the freelancing network, so they can take their part of the payment as a price for helping both of you in finding each others.

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