The Future Human Evolution Forum

Possibilties of Powers??
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Author:  Aliftor91 [ Fri Oct 09, 2023 1:44 am ]
Post subject:  Possibilties of Powers??

What are the possibilties of superpowers?
Are they just a myth or the next step of human evolution?

Author:  Sophia Morningstar [ Fri Oct 16, 2023 6:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Possibilties of Powers??

Hello, I am reading "Becoming Batman" by E. Paul Zehr. It basically implies that in our present state, if we employed top notch physical training, diet, and focusing our motor cortex by limiting our emotional limbic processes, the pinnacle of abilities will last three years.

Considering the decline of the human body related to aging and outside stressors, we are currently a frail species.

Enter in " The Cloak of the Illuminati" the theory of Technologically advanced "Super Suits" now researced by the United States Military, then "Superpowers " is more immediately possible. (a scope of a few decades)

Research is also going on with in utero stimulation by Dolphin Song in Russia for pregnant women.

As for employing more genetic manipulation to the human DNA. we need to gain more knowledge on Testosterone, Oxytocin and Vasopressin first to make sure our emotions are ready for such enchanced physical and our psychic abilities.

Author:  TheNamlessGuy [ Wed Apr 21, 2023 4:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Possibilties of Powers??

Sophia Morningstar wrote:
Enter in " The Cloak of the Illuminati" the theory of Technologically advanced "Super Suits" now researced by the United States Military, then "Superpowers " is more immediately possible. (a scope of a few decades)

Is there anywhere one could find info about this "Cloak of the Illuminati"?
It sounds interesting, but I can't find any information anywhere.

On topic though: I do believe I read about someone trying to mount wings on unborn babies.
I don't know if it's possible through evolution, but through science it certainly is.

We have a long way to go first, though.

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