Artificial Intelligence

Future Theories

This evolutionary advancement method is not extremely controversial at the moment. However, as predicted by sci-fi writers for decades, it will become so in the not-too-distant future. AI has a number of implications for the advancement of the human race and there are three primary schools of thought with regard to the future of AI: Enablement, Replacement, and Transformation.
See also, What is AI?

:: Enablement

The theory of AI enablement promotes the idea that intelligent machines will allow us to achieve more by supplementing our capabilities. Automating the work of survival (agriculture and manufacturing), and allowing us to leverage greater computational power for pursuits like interstellar space travel and the design and development of complex bioindustrial projects furthering the goals of exploration and population of the universe.


:: Replacement

The theory of replacement creates the most controversy. It contends that AI's will eventually surpass our capabilities and that we will in effect lose the capacity to control them for our purposes. They will develop their own sense of self and unique wants and needs that do not necessarily coincide with our own. The Terminator series is founded on this presumption carried to an illogical extreme. Why would AI want to exterminate us? They may indeed go their own way, but will not likely bother with wiping us out.

:: Transformation

The theory of transformation says that we will incorporate AI into our own biology (implanted chips and the Borg are two examples of this), eventually morphing into largely silicon-based beings ourselves. The possibilities are certainly fascinating.


:: AI   [What is AI?]

Of course the eventual reality will be a combination of these three main theories. AI's will help us advance. Some will become independent, sentient beings. And we will leverage the AI capabilities to increase our mastery of the universe.